Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Lod'ia (Ладья) #1

Lod'ia 1

Music of Lod'ia (ладья) sailors from the film "Snow Maiden" (<<Снегурочка>>) in the background. The lyrics of the song follow.

Around 1920 in the United States, when an airplane flew overhead, almost everybody ran outside to see this new technological accomplishement. Similarly, a Lod'ia (Ладья) in Russia was an awe inspiring new technological accomplishment, and when such a river craft approached a town (деревня или село) everybody ran to the river to see this incredible thing. This is exactly what is shown in the film "Snow Maiden" (<<Снегурочка>>). The lyrics to the song that the Lod'ia (ладья) sailors sing follow.

"Something Never Seen"
A gray bear flies in the sky,
With his ears working as a kite
And his black tail as a rudder.
Something never heard!
Something never seen!
And a cow comes down a hill,
With her feet apart,
with her eyes popped out.
Something never heard!
Something never seen!
On a tall oak tree a pig made a nest.
A pig made a nest and hatched little kids.
Something never heard!
Something never seen!


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